Ramayan hindi story book
Ramayan hindi story book

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Here the prince met his beloved Guha, the chief of the Chandalas Outcasts, accompanied by whom, with Laksbmans and Sita, he crossed the river Ganges and entered the forest, arriving at length at the Chittrakuta mountain described by the Sage Bharadwaja. The daughter of King Janab, an incarnation of Lakshmi The consort of Shri Vishnu., endowed with the highest feminine virtues, seeing Prince Laksbmans accompanying Rama, obedient to her lord, followed him as Venus follows the moon.Īccompanied for some leagues by King Dasaratha and his people, Rama dismissed the chariot on reaching the town of Shringavera on the banks of the Ganges, and commanded the minister Sumantta to return to the capital. The son of Queen Sumitra, Prince Lakshmana, inspired by affection and humility, followed his brother Rama into exile. Obeying the command of his royal sire, and in order to gratify Kaikeyi, Shri Rama went to the forest. The king held by his promise and by the ties of honor, sent his son Rama, whom he loved as his own life, into exile.

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His father, King Dasaratha, made preparations to install him as his regent, but the Queen Kaikeyi, claiming the boons formerly promised to her, demanded the exile of Rama and the enthronement of her own son Bharata. Such are his great qualities-Rama, the beloved heir of King Dasaratha, possessing every excellent attribute, benevolent to all, devoted to the welfare of every living being.” in truthfulness the personification of virtue.

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grateful to the sight as the full moon when stirred to righteous anger, resembling all-consuming death in patience like the earth, in generosity like Kuvera The God of Wealth. “Equal to Vishnu in valor The Lord as Maintainer and Supporter of the Universe. “As the rivers hasten to the ocean, so do men of virtue ever approach him.

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“Equal to Brahma, the Protector of his people, pleasing to look upon supporting the universe the destroyer of those who contravene the moral code the inspirer of virtue the giver of special grace to his devotees and to those who duly observe sacrificial rites and are charitable conversant with the essence of the Vedic philosophy an adept in the science of warfare skilled in the scriptural law of infallible memory beloved of all of courteous disposition incapable of cowardice acquainted with the laws of this world as also of the other worlds.

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Wise, conversant with the ethical code, eloquent, fortunate, a slayer of his foes, broad-shouldered, long-armed, possessing a conch-shaped neck and prominent chin, eminent in archery, with a muscular body, arms extending to the knees, and a noble head and brow of mighty prowess possessing well proportioned limbs and skin of bluish tint The Incarnations of Devine Descents called Avataras are said to have skin the color of a new-born cloud., one renowned for his virtue of prominent eyes, deep-chested, bearing auspicious marks one who protects those who take refuge in him and is ever-mindful of the good of those dependent on him true to his promises, benevolent to his subjects, omniscient, renowned for his good deeds, pure, and ever responsive to devotion meditating on his own essence. Born in the family of Ikshwaku Son of Manu, founder of the Solar race of kings, who reigned in Ayodhya., he is named Rama one renowned, fully self-controlled, valorous and illustrious, the Lord of All. “Rare indeed are those, endowed with the qualities thou hast enumerated, yet I can tell thee of such a one. Narada, acquainted with the past, the present and the future, pleased with the words of the Sage Valmiki, answered him saying:

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“Who is there in the world today, endowed with excellent and heroic qualities, who is versed in all the duties of life, grateful, truthful, firm in his vows, an actor of many parts, benevolent to all beings, learned, eloquent, handsome, patient, slow to anger, one who is truly great who is free from envy and when excited to wrath can strike terror into the hearts of celestial beings? O Sage, I would hear of such a man from thee, who art able to describe him to me.” Many hymns of the great Rig-veda are attributed to him.: and the most eloquent of men, constantly engaged in the practice of self-control and the study of the holy scriptures, enquired of Shri Narada A great rishi, son of Brahma, the Creator. Once a robber, became later a fully illuminated sage author of The Ramayana., chief among the munis Muni: A holy sage, a pious and learned person. Shri Narada relates to Valmiki the story of Rama

Ramayan hindi story book